Petrophysical Training

work anywhere you work. Conventional or unconventional oil and gas,
tar sands, shale gas, igneous, metamorphic, clastic, carbonate,
mixed lithology, sedimentary minerals, open hole, through casing, or
LWD -- we have petrophysical experience that counts.
Worldwide experience in Canada, USA, Mexico, Trinidad, Cuba, Venezuela,
Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, North Sea,
United Kingdom, France,
Spain, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen,
Myanmar, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq,
Abu Dhabi, Angola,
Thailand, Viet Nam, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Indonesia, Australia, China, Mongolia, Japan, Russia, Albania,
Bulgaria, Romania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.
Unconventional and Fractured Reservoirs

= part of integrated project
# = petrophysics only
# Saskatchewan
heliun well assessment
# California water well assessment
# Alberta,
Wabamun, carbon capture and storage
# Utah, Uintah
Basin, tight oil and mechanical properties
# Alberta, Montney tight gas with TOC, mechanicals, multiple
# Ontario, Cambrian tight oil
# Argentina, Neuquen Basin, Vaca Muerta oil shale with TOC
# Colombia, Llanos Basin, Madelena Valley, unconventional oil
# Montana, Bakken, Ldgepole, Three Forks oil
# Oklahoma, Douglas to Atoka hybrid unconventional sands
# United Kingdom, Bowland Shale, tight gas, mechanical properties
# Australia, Perth Basin, tight gas # Australia, Eromanga Basin,
tight oil
# Alberta, Viking tight oil, mechanical properties
# Alberta, Montney current drilling well, horizontal placement
# SK, Three Forks tight oil
# BC, Besa River shale gas, mech props, multiple projects
# United Kingdom, Becansall, tight gas, mechanical properties
# North Dakota,
Mohall Formation, tight oil carbonate
# Australia, Eromanga basin, tight oil
# BC,
Red Creek Halfway and Doig, mechanical properties
# Newfoundland, Green Point Shale, shale gas prospect
# Montana, Bakken siltstone, tight oil
# Illinois, New Albany Shale, 1 well study (mentoring)
# Alberta, various Montney / Doig regional and development projects
# Wyoming, Heath Shale/Carbonate, tight oil, mechanical
# Saskatchewan, Shaunavon formation, tight oil
# Saskatchewan, Atlas Member, tight oil
# Mongolia, Gobisumber Province,
sandstone, claystone,
# Alberta/BC, Doig, Montney tight gas, liquids, mechanical properties
# Alberta, Banff, Exshaw, Bakken, Three Forks tight oil X5
# Paris Basin, France, tight oil, fractured (Bakken
# Alberta, Montney shale gas / tight gas, fractured,
# Alberta, Nordegg, tight oil pyrobitumen, ,
fractured, radioactive
# New Brunswick, Granite Wash and weathered Granite potential
# BC, Muskwa, Fort Simpson shale gas exploration
## North Dakota, Bakken dolomitic sand, radioactive, low
resistivity pay
Saskatchewan, Bakken dolomitic sand, radioactive, low
resistivity pay
# Na Sanun, Thailand, oil in fractured
# Alberta/BC, shale gas exploration project
# Alberta, Fort McMurray, fractured granite exploration
# North Dakota, Niobrara laminated shaly gas sands
# New Mexico, quantitative potash analysis
# Washington, Columbia River Basin, tight gas sands, intrusives,
basalt flows
Vietnam, White Tiger, supervised geosciences, oil in fractured
## Japan, Yufutsu, condensate in fractured volcaniclastics and
## Kazakstan, Chinarov, review and forensic analysis
## Russia, Kammennaia, oil in igneous intrusives and extrusives
## Indonesia, Sumpal, gas in fractured metamorphosed sediments
and granite
## Argentina. Valle Morado, deep fractured gas sands and carbonates
## Libya, Wadi, fractured quartzite, low quality log data
## Mexico, Caparosso, Escuintle, Pijije, oil in low porosity fractured
## Pakistan, Fim Kassar, Kandkhot, Sadkal, Sui Fields, complex
## Pakistan, Tando Alam, structurally complex fractured reservoir
plus training
# Cuba, Tortuga, Rodaballo, fractured carbonates
# Cuba, Majaguillar, Canasi, Pina, complex carbonates
# Cuba, Veradero, complex fractured carbonates,
Russian-style logs
# Cuba, Puerto Escondido, Golata, Ana Maria,
fractured reservoir, training
Delta / Fluvial / Marine Reservoirs

Alberta, McMurray, Oil sand surface mining prospect
# Egypt, Arta and Hana Fields, Complex lithology, sand-shale
# SK, Cessford,
Cantaur, Roseray, Lloydminster, Glauconitic, various projects
Indonesia, Onshore and Offshore, Jurassic and Triassic sands
# Argentina, Neuquen Basin, Sierra Blancas formationm
# Alberta Indian Lands, Alex Sand redrill
# Saskatchewan Indian Lands, shaunavon to Birdbear bypassed
# Saskatchewan, Winnipeg and Yeomans sands, bypassed pay
Colombia, Morpho Field, Colorado and Mugrosa formations, mechanical
# Alberta, Chigwell Glauconitic pool study, 26 wells
# Alberta, Countess Glauconitic mechanical properties
# Bulgaria, minimum Russian log suite, sand shale
Uzbekistan, Shurchi + 6 additional Fields, multi-zone, Russian-style logs,
250+ wells
Albania, Maeinza Field, multi-zone, Russian-style logs,
250+ wells
# New Brunswick, Granite Wash and weathered Granite
# Alberta, Tar Sands, forensic re-analysis, gas in tar
# Texas, Avalon Sand, tight gas play
# Manitoba, Spearfish oil potential
## Alberta, DelBonita Area Cardium resource play
# Manitoba, Bakken dolomitic sand, radioactive, low
resistivity pay
Marinza Field Study, Albania, multi-zone, Russian-style logs
BC, Hay River Bluesky, hydrodynamic reservoir with residual
oil below
current spill point
Colombia, Llanos Basin, current drilling well,
North Dakota, Bakken dolomitic sand, radioactive, low
resistivity pay
Saskatchewan, Bakken dolomitic sand, radioactive, low
resistivity pay
## Alberta, Rock Creek, petrophysics and expert witness EUB Hearing
# Alberta, Tar Sands, current drilling projects, 100+
## Alberta, numerous Cardium and Viking pools
# Alberta, Montney deep gas sand/silt
# Yemen, Osayan Field, oil prospect
## Western Canada Stress Study, prototyping and workflow integration
# North Dakota, Niobrara laminated shay sands
## Libya, Gialo Field, Libya, Oligocene shaly sands, 300 wells,
Alberta, Gas Over Bitumen, petrophysics and expert witness EUB
Alberta, Gas Over Bitumen, semi-automated 700 wells,
## Alberta, Milk River Laminated Shaly Sand, gas productivity
1000+ wells
## Alberta, Shallow Gas and CBM regional studies, semi-automated
7000+ wells
# Russia, Kammennaia, oil prospect, Russian-style logs
# Australia, Gunedah Basin, tight gas
## Bangladesh, Gas Fields Appraisal, 30 wells, 100,000 borehole
feet, training
## Kuwait, Greater Burgan and Ahmadi, world's largest clastic oil pool,
733 wells,
600,000 feet
# China, Zhongyuan, old Russian-style logs, 40 wells, 120,000 borehole ft,
# Kazakhstan, Aryskun and Donylek, oil prospects
# China, Wenliu, old Russian-style logs, 8 exploration wells
# China, San Zhao, Heilongjiang, Songliao Basin, oil
# Russia, Bulatov, Volga Region, oil prospect
# Libya, Messla, oil prospect
# Siberia, Vat Yegan, Russian logs, 200 wells, 250,000 feet
## Libya, Murzuq Basin Study, sparse data, 70 wells, 300,000
## Bolivia, Rio Grande, supervision and algorithm design, 62 wells
## Argentina, Rio Colorado, mixed lithology, gas
## Argentina, Rio Negro-Nyquen, mixed lithology, tight gas
## Argentina, Rio de Agua, mixed lithology, tight gas
## Argentina, Valle Morado, mixed lithology, tight gas
## Libya,Messla, review and quality control, 82 wells
# UK North Sea, overpressure study
# Argentina, Neuquen, itght gas sands, possible
# Peru, Portchuelo, design methods and train staff
# Kazakstan, Cherova, review and supervision
## Venezuela, Western Flank, integrated project doubled OOIP, 175 wells,
## Venezuela, Campo Centro, developed methods for 150 wells
pre 1960 logs.
## Venezuela, Laguna, supervised petrophysics, 180 well study
## Venezuela, Lower Lagunillas, petrophysics, 275 wells
## Ecuador, Napo, sparse data, 8 wells, 20,000 borehole feet
## Australia, Port Campbell SA, gas storage, 8 wells
# Russia, Nijnevartovsk, oil prospect
# Romania, Tirgu Mures, oil prospect
## Azerbaijan, Karad, oil prospect
## Indiana, Plummer, gas storage, 42 wells
## Argentina, Agua Toledo, Barrosa, review and quality control,
68 wells
## Angola, Atum, forensic review and quality control, 4 wells
# California, Wildgoose, gas storage, 12 wells
# Alberta, McMurray Tar Sands, developed quantitative methods for tar assay
# Alberta, McMurray Tar Sands, dipmeter analysis for mine stability
# Alberta, McMurray Tar Sands, setup analysis methods, tar assay, gas
# Canada, East Coast Offshore, analyzed most wells drilled
# Canada, McKenzie Delta, analyzed most wells drilled
# Canada, High Arctic, analyzed 140 wells, beach, bar, channel
supervised logging crews and performed wellsite and office
# Canada, Plains and Foothills, 100+ pool studies, 6000+ wells
- Upper and
Lower Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Devonian Sands
# Alberta, Deep Basin, 500+ wells in various pool studies
# Alberta, Upper Cretaceous, developed gas leak detection program
# Alberta, Upper Cretaceous, gas detection in
shallow, fresh water
# Alberta, Saskatchewan horizontal wells - forensic evaluation
# Alberta, Belly River, gas zone filtrate invasion detection
# United States: various Gulf Coast delta and salt dome sequences
Carbonate Reef / Bank Reservoirs

# Saskatchewan, Midale, low resistivity pay
# North Dakota, Mission Canyon bypassed pay
# Alberta, Elkton and Beaverhill Lake mechanical
# Tunisia, offshore reef project, 3 well pool
# Alberta, Ghost Pine, Bannff formation, complex
# Saskatchewan, Lodgepole, oil water contact with
residual or depleted oil
Arkansas, Smackover Formation, workover and bypassed oil
# Alberta, Slave Point, Nisku, Wabamun, bypassed
conventional oil
# Ontario Silurian reefs, new oil, partial salt plugging
# Manitoba, Spearfish complex lithology, oil zones
Saskatchewan, Midale dolomite, partially depleted oil zones
Saskatchewan, Winnipegosis dolomite, salt plugging, effective porosity
## Abu Dhabi, Umm Sharif, elastic properties, log
modeling for 4-D seismic
Libya, Bouri Field, offshore complex carbonate, 66 wells, 100,000
## Russia. Bulatovskoe, Volga Region, clastics and carbonates
## Iran, Marun Field, complex reservoir, 182 wells, supervision
# Spain, Chiparon, offshore prospect
## Michigan, N. Washington, 40 wells, gas storage
## NWT, Norman Wells, review and quality control prior work
# Alberta, Mississippian carbonates - 200+ wells
# Alberta, Devonian Nisku/Leduc/Keg River reefs - 200+
# Alberta, Slave Pt/Sulphur Pt/Muskeg carbonates - 300+
# Saskatchewan, Mississippian porous carbonates - 200+
# Michigan, Niagaran reefs, 50 wells, gas storage
reservoir evaluation
# Other Areas: Iraq, Burma/Myanmar, Algeria,
# See also Fractured Reservoirs at top of page
= part of integrated project
# = petrophysics only

# Potash Log Analysis, IBM 1620 Fortran II 1964
# Dome/Log, IBM 1130 Fortran IV 1968
# Sproule/Log, CDC 3300 Calgary 1969 Fortran IV
# Crain/Log, EMR 6050 Fortran IV 1970
# Pan/Log, EMR 6050 Fortran IV 1974
# Log/It HP45/25/15/37, HP41/67/97, TI59/57, Sharp 1200
# Log/Mate, HP 9825 HPL 1976
# Log/Mate Plus, HP 9835 HPL 1978
# Log/Mate ESP, HP 9845 HP Basic 1984
## Lana Sharp / Casio Basic 1984
# Log/Mate ESP Assistant (Intellog), HP 320 and IBM-PC HP Basic
1982 - 1986
# Mini/Mate, HP 9000 Lotus 1-2-3 1984
# Meta/Log, HP 9000 and IBM-PC Lotus 1-2-3 1986
# Meta/Log Professional, IBM-PC Lotus 1-2-3 1990
# Meta/Log Light, IBM-PC Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel 1990
# Meta/Log ESP, IBM-PC Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel 2001
related spreadsheet applications 2001 - 2016
## SSI Workbench, IBM PC Windows version 1995 – 1996
## Flexinlog Wizard, Java based Internet app 2001 – 2004
## Log Analyzer / Log Plotter, 2002 – 2004
# SuperLog, LAS File Cleaning for Large Projects 2002- 2005
# LogFusion, Regional Analysis Large Projects 2002–2005
## Customize algorithms or testing, WorkBench, PRIZM, HDS, etc 1988
– 2009
# Meta/Log Script for GeoGraphix PRIZM 2006
# Meta/Log Scripts for Unconvrnyionsl Reservoirs 2008
# Meta/Log Scripts for CGG PowerLog 2011 - 2019
## Update Meta/Log PowerLog Scripts 2011 - 2019
## EESI LAS Log Plot 2019
# Crain's Petro/Fusion Scripts 2020
# = Author or Lead ## = Advisor
or Mentor
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