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1. Role Of Reflection Seismic In Development of Nembe Creek Field, Nigeria. P.H.H. Nelson AAPG, 1977
2. Hydrocarbon Habitat of Tertiary Niger Delta B. Evamy, J. Haremboure, P. Kamerling, W. Knaap AAPG, 1978
3. The Etosha Basin Reexamined (S.W. Africa) J.A. Momper OGJ, 1982
4. Introduction to a Review of Log Interpretation Methos Used in the Niger Delta A. Poupon, I. Strecker, J. Gartner SPWLA, 1967
5. A Review of Log Interpretaion Methods Used in the Niger Delta A. Poupon, I. Strecker, J. Gartner SPWLA, 1967
6. Niger Delta SWSC WEC Nigeria, 1966
7. Well Evaluation Conference - Nigeria SWSC WEC, 1974
8. Petroleum Geology of the Niger Delta K. Weber, E. Daukoru Shell-BP, Nigeria
1. Formation Evaluation in Indonesia C. Dadrian, H. Brown, J. Geotz, B. Marchette SPWLA, 1973
2. Chinese Bottlenecks Far Eastern Economic Review China, 1972
3. Role of Integrated Study of Core and Log Analysis in Realistic Estimation of Reserves of L-III Horizon of Bombay High Fields D.K. Gupta, S.K. Sharma, R. Dalavi, H. Raj SPWLA, 1981
4. The Status of Well Log Interpretaion in India S. Itenberg, J. Koithara, K.H. Hashmy SPWLA, 1969
5. Geophysical Well Logging in the Soviet Union G.V. Keller SPWLA, 1966
6. Bangladesh: A Brief Account of Geology and Hydrocarbon Exploration M. Maroof Khan OGJ, 1981
7. Review of the Results of Some Petrophysical Studies on Cores From Assam Oil Fields, India J. Koithora, J.S. Bisht, U.V.S. Nohwar SPWLA, 1973
8. Log Interpretation in Malay Basin K. Kuttan, C. Stockbridge, H. Crocker, J. Rembry
9. Eastern Asia Coasts Offshore Are Promising Pertroleum Frontiers A.A. Meyerhoff OGJ, 1976
10. Soviet Oil Flow Up, But Signs of Trouble Multiply OGJ,1977
11. Outline of Sedimentary Geology of Maine Oil-Basinal Areas in Indonesia A. Pulunggono, P.N. Pertamina WEC Indonesia, 1971
12. Geology of Offshore Northwest Palawan, Philippines -1 Dr. A. Saldivar-Sali, Dr. H.G. Oesterle, D. Brownlee OGJ, 1981
13. Logging Methods in Japan H. Sato SPWLA, 1968
14. Computer P{rocessed Interpretation WEC Indonesia, 1970
15. Water Injection in China: Waterflooding the Oil Reservoirs of China Lin Zhifang OGJ Report, 1982
1. Geology and Mineral Deposits - Australian Australian National Government Publication, 1969
2. Australia's Amadeus Basin Has Cambro-Ordovican Potential D. Casey, J. Harrison WO, 1981
3. Formation Evaluation in Australia H. Crocker, I. Strecker SPWLA, 1968
4. Antarctica - Operating Conditions and Petroleum Prospects L.F. Ivanhoe OGJ, 1980
5. The Definition of Development of the Mackerel Field, Gippsland Basin D.M. Maughan, A. Mebberson, D. Morton OGJ, 1981
6. Exploration Results Off South New Zealand R. Sanford OGJ, 1980
7. Australia's Northwest Shelf: Gas is the Current Attraction J.S. Thomas, E.O. Nextvold, A. Crastella WO, 1978
8. Bass Basin Set for New Exploration O.D. Weaver, Y. Houde, J. Downing, J. Smitherman, C. Nettels OGJ, 1982
1. Petrophysical Evidence of Cementation Differences in the Cardium Sandstone W.R. Almon CWLS, 1979
2. The Relationship of Reservoir Permeability to Measured Laboratory Permeability W.R. Aufricht CWLS, 1968
3. HIBERNIA - A Petrophysical and Geologican Review R. Benteau, M.G. Sheppard JCPT, 1982
4. Hamilton Cherhill: A Case History J.R.M. Berry, R.F. Mercer The Log Analyst, 1977
5. Naturally Occurring Gas Hydrates in the MacKenzie Delta C. Bily, J.W.L. Dick Imperial Oil
6. The Successful Application of a Neutron Acoustic Crossplot to the Dolomite Sandstone of the Belloy W. Calloway, W.D. Smith JCPT, 1982
7. Water Saturation Determination in the Keg River Formation of the Zama Field Using Logs and Oil Base Cores H.N. Collins CWLS, 1970
8. Formation Oddities and Their Response on Wire-Line Logs J.T. Costello CWLS, 1968
9. Log Interpretation in the High Arctic E.R. Crain CWLS, 1977
10. An Empirical Approach to Log Interpretation in the Viking Sand of East Central Alberta W.C. Cutress SPWLA, 1974
11. Logging Oddities - Radioactive Clean Dolomite CWLS, 1971
12. Logging Oddities CWLS, 1970
13. Petrophysical Evaluation Methods: Basal Quartz Formaiton, Manyberries Area, Alberta B.W. Davis CWLS, 1979
14. The Two That Nearly Go Away - But Didn't G.E. Dawson-Grove CWLS, 1972
15. Shallow Gas: How to Locate Easily Missed Pay Sands G.E. Dawson-Grove World Oil, 1977
16. A Guide to Improved Formation Evaluation in Carbonates of Northwestern Alberta A.H. Dorin, A.E. Chase, A. W. Linke 1968-70
17. A Guide to Improved Formation Evaluation in Carbonates of Northwest Alberta A.H. Dorin, A. Chase, A. Linke SPWLA, 1965
18. A Simple Method of Verifying the Air/Mercury to Water/Oil Conversion Factor J. R. Eade CWLS, 1971
19. The Sidewall Epithermal Neutron Log as a Porosity and Lithology Device in the Zama-Lutose Area of Northwest Alberta J.R. Eade CWLS, 1970
20. Dome's Dilema: Long Tools, Thin Sands Energy, 1982
21. Large Scale Log Interpretation of Water Saturation for Two Complex Devonian Reef Reservoirs in Western Canada C.R. Glenville SPWLA, 1965
22. How Well Logs Were Used to Improve Evaluation of a Gas Storage Project J.M. Hawkins, R.W. Snyder, S.B. Pahawa JPT, 1977
23. Correlation of Producing Formations in the Sverdrup Basin D. Henao-Londono 1976
24. Application of Porosity - Water Saturation Relationships to Log Analysis in Southeast Saskatchewan A. Heslop CWLS, 1966
25. Petrophysical Evaluation of the Farewell Structure Sand Reservoir MacKenzie Delta H.M. Howells, J.R. Wilkinson
26. Paleogeography and Sedimentation in the Upper Paleozoic, Eastern Canada R.D. Howie, M.S. Barss GSC, 1974
27. Clinton Exploration and Production on the Ontario Side of Lake Erie D. Hurd, D. Kingston PE, 1978
28. Computer Reconciliation of Sonic Log And Core Analysis in the Boundary Lake Field F.S. Jeffries, E.M. Kemp Oil In Canada, 1963
29. An Improved Method for the Analysis of Reservoir Rocks Containing Clays R.E. Jenkins, D.C. Bush, W.R. Aufricht CWLS, 1970
30. Some Practical Applications to Improve Formation Evaluation of Sandstones in the MacKenzie Delta W.L. Johnson, W.A. Linke CWLS, 1977
31. Road Allowances Drilling Evaluation in the Lloydminster Area R.H. Knudsen, L. Freitag CWLS, 1970
32. The Evaluation of Very Shaly Formations in Canada Using a Systematic Approach H. Kowalchuk, G. Coates SPWLA, 1974
33. Optimizing Completions in the Milk River Sand H.J. Kowalchuk, F.C. Coles CIM, 1974
34. Use of the Sidewall Neutron Log in the Keg River Formation of the Zama Area J.R. Lishman SPWLA, 1967
35. Canada's East Coast: The New Super Petroleum Province E. Mancini, J.W. Payne JCPT, 1982
36. Second Generation Pembina Play Raises Deep Implications Across Alberta Oilweek, 1977
37. Petrophysical Study of the Cardium Sand in the Pembina Field W.T. MacKenzie CWLS, 1975
38. Countess Oil Field, South Central Alberta: Case History in Finding a Stratigraphic Trap A.W. McCoy, C.A. Moritz OGJ, 1982
39. Petrophysical Evaluation of the Bluesky Sand, Bassett Area Alberta J.T. McCoy CIM, 1977
40. Rock Fluid Relationship Studies on the Windfall D-3A Reservoir and Their Application in Evaluating Gas Cycling Effectiveness T.B. McFadzean JCPT, 1977
41. Exploration Prospects in the Canadian Arctic Islands R.A. Menely 1976
42. Exploration Potential of the Scotian Shelf R.A. Menely Drilling Canada, 1981
43. Sable Island Geology Heralds Threshold Reserves Oilweek, 1980
44. Beaufort Sea: The Biggest Year Ever Frontier Exploration Oilweek, 1981
45. East Coast: The Grand Banks Remain Number one Oilweek, 1981
46. Offshore East Canada's Organic Type and Color and Hydrocarbon Potential OGJ, 1977
47. Log Interpretation in the Ricinus Area of West Central Alberta R.H. Paul CWLS, 1970
48. Formation Water Saturation in Gas Reservoirs - A Comparison of Log Derived Values With Data Derived From Extracted Oil Base Core R.H. Paul SPWLA, 1968
49. Log Interpretation in Complex Gas Bearing Reefs Northeast British Columbia R.H. Paul SPWLA, 1967
50. A Reserves Review of the Pembina Cardum Oil Pool R.A. Purvis, W.G. Bober JPT, 1979
51. Arctic Islands Potential Should Justify High Costs F.G. Rayer WO, 1979
52. Exploration Prospects and Future Petroleum Potential of the Canadian Arctic Islands F.G. Rayer JPT, 1981
53. Petrophysical Relationships From the Western Canada Area W.D.M. Smith SPWLA, 1969
54. A Modified Shaly Sand Equation for the Western Canada Cretaceous S.D.M. Smith, R.J. Rodileau CWLS, 1977
55. A Log Analysis Manual for the Western Canada Analyst W.D. Smith Lane-Wells, 1978
56. Milk River Saraband Quality Control SOC, 1976
57. Shallow Gas: Examples & Interpretations SOC, 1976
58. Canadian Arctic Islands - Cross Section J.S. Sproule and Assoc. 1971
59. Natural Gas in the Arctic Islands, Discovered Rexerves and Future Potential D.C. Waylett Canadian Gas Association
60. Operator Interest Keen in U.S. Beaufort Sea B. Williams OGJ, 1982
61. An Alberta Gas Supply Response Model: Predicting Future Discoveries C.R. Winter, B.A. Craig Technology, 1981
62. Log Interpretaion Chart for Western Canada Reservoirs Professional Log Evaluation Ltd. 1978
1. A Review of the Status of the Basic Well Logging and Interpretation Methods Applied in Hungary Z. Barlai, I. Czegledi, P. Muller SPWLA, 1973
2. Logging Programs and Log Analysis Techniques for Norwegian North Sea Wells C.R. Glanville, F. S. Millard, B.E. Morgan The Log Analyst, 1977
3. New Log Data Give Better North Sea Well Completions G.M. Hodson, W.H. Fertl, G.W. Hammack World Oil, 1975
4. Logging Problems in the North Sea A. Misk, A. Poupon
5. A Log Analysis Method for Ekofisk Field, Norway J.D. Owen SPWLA, 1972
6. Logging and Perforating in W.W. Germany H.W. Sorber SPWLA, 1966
7. How Oxy's Log Program Evaluation Piper OGJ, 1975
8. Geology of the North Seas SWSC, WEC, 1974
9. Jurassic Sandstone Reservoirs SWSC WEC, 1974
10. Lower Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous Carbonates SWSC WEC, 1974
11. Paleocene Sandstones SWSC WEC, 1974
12. Computer Processed Interpretation of the Rotliegendes Formation WEC, 1974
1. Egypt's Petroleum Geology: Good Ground For Optimism A.S. Abdine World Oil, 1981
2. Evaluation of Middle East Reservoirs with Complex Lithology D.E. Barid SPWLA, 1968
3. Outline of Southeastern Middle East Stratigraphy E. Hart SWSC WEC Middle East, 1967
4. On the Problem and Some Results of Well-Logging and Surface Geophysical Survey in the Petroleum Prospecting on the Karia Ba Mohamed Area, Morocco S. Demnati, J. Frydecki, A. Kulikowski, E. Nowicka SPWLA, 1980
5. Outline of Sedimentary Geology of Libya SWSC WEC Libya, 1970
6. Well Logging in the Middle Eastern and Similar Large Reservoirs P. Threadgold SPWLA, 1967
7. Complex Lithology SWSC WEC Libya, 1970
8. Shaly Sands SWSC WEC Libya, 1970
9. Field Studies 10. SWSC WEC Arabia, 1975 Iran, 1976
1. Logging Programs in Northeastern South America H.B. Brown, H.A. Salisch SPWLA, 1971
2. South Lake Maracaibo Log Analysis H.D. Brown, J.D. Cunningham, H.A. Salisch SPWLA, 1971
3. Commercially Prospective Oil Accumulation in the Fractured Basement Complex of the Hama Area of the Orinoco Petroliferous Belt, Eastern Venezuela D. Flores CWLS, 1981
4. Log Evaluation of Tuffites and Tuffaceous Sandstones in Southern Argentina A. Khatchikian, P. Lesta. SPWLA, 1973
5. The Dual Spacing Neutron Log (CNL) in Venezuela J.E. Hung, H.A. Salisch SPWLA, 1972
6. Falklands Seem Attractive Wildcat Target J.C. McCaslin OGJ, 1982
7. Log Interpretation in Bolibia H.A. Salisch, H. D. Brown SPWLA, 1966
8. Argentina Offers Something for Everyone J.J. Stewart-Gordon World Oil, 1980
9. Porosity and Lithology Determination With Logs in the Caimancito Field, Jujuy Province, Argentina. SPWLA, 1976
10. Petroleium Geolog of Trinidad and Tobago. P.R. Woodside OGJ, 1981
11. Giant Fields in Southeast Mexico - ARTICLE OGJ, 1981
1. Formation Evaluation in Heavy Oil Sands J.S. Brown SPWLA, 1966
2. Log Evaluation and Monitoring of a Unique Heavy Oil Reservoir Project, Alberta Canada P. Campbell, M. Cucheck, E. Forst, W.H. Fertl CIMM, 1982
3. Log-Core Correlations in the Athabasca Oil Sands N.N. Collins SPE, 1976
4. Well Log Analysis in Heavy Oil Sands B. Cossett CWLS, 1981
5. Sample Disturbance in Athabasca Oil Sand M.B. Dusseault JCPT, 1980
6. Round Robin Study of Analytical Procedures of Various Laboratories on Assay Analysis of Athabasca Tar Sands J.R. Eade CWLS, 1975
7. Athabasca Oil Sand Evaluation Usinig Core and Log Analysis and Ocological Data Processing Methods. R.W. Fetzner, W.L. Henson, F.J. Feigl SPWLA, 1966
8. Commercially Prospective Heavy Oil Accumulation in the Basement Complex of the Hamaco Area of Orinoco Belt, Eastern Venezuela D. Flores, S.P. Meneven SPWLA, 1981
9. How a Texas Heavy Oil Prospect Was Evaluated R. Freedman, J.R. Studlick Technololgy, 1981
10. Evaluation of a Heavy Oil Prospect Banderea Tan Area- Maverick and Zavala Counties, Texas R. Freedman, J. Studlick SPWLA, 1981
11. Importance of Reservoir Description in Evaluating In-Situ Recovery Method for Cold Lake Heavy Oil G.H. Kendall JCPT, 1977
12. Sediment-Geological Study of a Steam-Drive Project in the Deltaic River Sands C. Kruit, S. Maraven 1978
13. Core Analysis of Unconsolidated and Friable Sands C.C. Mattax, R.M. McKinley, A.T. Clothier JPT, 1975
14. Petrophysical Mapping of the Wabiscaw Sand, Marten Hills Area, Alberta J.T. McCoy, E.J. Burge SPWLA, 1976
15. Errors in Core Oil Content Data Measured by the Retat Distillation Method J.J. Rathmell SPE, 1966
16. Well Logs Evaluate and Monitor Heavy Oil Steamflood in Kern County, California C. Rowx, W.H. Fertl, E. Frost, D. Stedman, D. Elliot CWLS, 1981
17. Evaluation of the Albert Tar Sands R.C. Sah, A.E. Chase, L.E. Wells AIME, 1974
18. Measurement of Petrophysical Properties of Unconsolidated Sand Cores B.F. Swanson, E.C. Thomas SPWLA, 1980
19. Athabasca Tar Sand Reservoir Properties Derived From Cores and Logs R. Woodhouse CWLS, 1976
20. Tar Sands Core Analysis Versus Log Analysis Controversy - Does It Really Matter R.W. Zwicky, J.R. Eade CWLS, 1977
21. The Cold Lake Project: A Report to the Energy Conservation Board Imperial Oil Limited, 1978
1. Mitchell Energy Foam Fracs Tight Gas Zones W.B. Bleakley PEI, 1980
2. Evaluation of Shaly Sands With Low Deliverability D.E. Cannon CIMM, 1973
3. Log Evaluation Results in the Deep Basin Areas of Alberta E.R. Crain CWLS, 1981
4. Log Analysis in Tight Gas Sands - A Reconnaissance Study G.E. Dawson-Grove CWLS, 1979
5. The Time-Economics of Developing Low-Grade Petroleum Deposits G.E. Dawson-Grove SPWLA, 1979
6. Evaluating and Logging Tight Rocks of South Texas T.H. Fett World Oil, 1980
7. Formation Evaluation and Gas Detection in Shallow, Low-Permeability Shaly Sands of the Northern Great Plans Province G.C. Kukal SPE, 1979
8. Gas Recovery From Tight Formations V.A. Kuusdraa, J.P. Brashear SPE , 1979
9. Canada's Deep Basin: Is It a Major New Gas Province? J.A. Masters World Oil, 1978
10. Deep Basin Gas Trap - Western Canada J.A. Masters AAPG Bulletin, 1978
11. Gas-Price Effect on Exploraiton Drilling Studied K. McConnell OGJ, 1981
12 Gas Reservoirs, Deep Basin, Western Canada G.E. McMaster JCPT, 1981
13. Development of Shallow Gas Reserves in Low Permeability Reservoirs of Late Cretaceous Age G.L. Nyudegger, D.D. Rice, C.A. Brown SPE, 1979
14. NPC Sees Big Potential for U.S. Tight Gas OGJ, 1980
15. Exploration - CanHunter Style Oilweek, 1978
16. Calculation and Significance of Water Saturations in Low Porosity Shaly Gas Sands M.J. Rosepiler SPWLA, 1981
17. How Technology and Price Affect U.S. Tight Gas Potential Part 2 - Economics of Tight Gas Production R.W. Veatch, Jr., O. Baker Petroleum Engineer, April 1983
18. Stimulating the Triassic Carbonates in the Foothills Gas Tred of Northeast British Columbia R.P. Wade, K. Aziz Technology, 1981
19. An Update on Federal Tight Sands Incentive Policies World Oil, 1980
20. Analyses of an Elmworth Hydraulic Fracture R.E. Wyman, S.A. Holditch, P.L. Randolph SPE, 1979
1. Subdivision, Stratigraphy of Pre-Punta Gorda Florida Rocks (lower most Cretaceous-Jurassic) A.V. Applegate, G.L. Winston, J.G. Palacas OGJ, 1982
2. Hydrocarbon Potential in Gulf of Alaska - What Happened? B.W. Aud OGJ, 1979
3. Waveland Field: Analyses of Facies, Diagenesis, and Hydrodynamics in Mooringsport Reservoirs L.R. Baria OGJ, 1982
4. Gas Detection in Sands of High Silt-Clay Content in the Cook Inlet Area F. Bettis SPWLA, 1977
5. Well Log Analysis in the Austin Chalk Trend W.D. Bishop, M.R. DeVries, W.H. Fertl SPWLA, 1977
6. Unconformities - The Key To H. Bushnell OGJ, 1981
7. Log Evaluation of a Fractured Reservoir Monterey Shale D.E. Cannon
8. Pressure Build Up Characteristics in Austin Chalk Wells E. Claycomb OGJ, 1982
9. How to Drill and Complete Austin Chalk Wells C. Coffman PEI, 1982
10. Upgrading Medina Gas Well Production in Western New York D. Copley World Oil, 1980
11. Wireline Operations in the Deep Delaware Basin J.D. Cunningham, F.D. Fulkerson SPE, 1966
12. A Preliminary Evaluation of Various Log Analysis Techniques for the Eastern Devonian Shales - Fractured Shales J.B. Curtis, W.G. Fingleton CWLS, 1979
13. Drilling and Completion Practices in Active U.S. Areas J.P. David World Oil, 1981
14. Impact Craters: Implications for Basement Hydrocarbon Production R. Donofiro OGJ, 1981
15. Anadarko Shows Unique Problems, Economics J.K. Drisdale OGJ, 1982
16. Geology and Petroleum Potential of Alaska's Norton Basin Area M.A. Fisher, W.W. Patton, M.L. Holmes OGJ, 1982
17. Evaluation of Hosston and Cotton Valley Fine Grained Sandstones J.M. Forgotson, J.M. Forgotson, Jr. SPWLA, 1974
18. Formation Evaluation in the Texas Cretaceous Chalk Trend E. Frost D. Stedman, W. Fertl World Oil, 1982
19. Anomalies Observed onWell Logs G.W. Hammack, W.H. Fertl SPWLA, 1976
20. Depth Porosity Relationships of the Anadorko Basin R.A. Hefner PE, 1980
21. Williston - Reviving of a Giant Oil Province. D. Hoffman OGJ, 1981
22. Economics of Austin Chalk Production S.A. Holditch, D.E. Lancaster OGJ, 1982
23. East Cameron Block 270, A.Pleistocene Field D.S. Holland, C.E. Sutley, R.E. Berlitz, J.A. Gilreath SPWLA, 1970
24. Case Histories of Subsurface Log Data Exploration Patterns in Eastern Powder River Basin B. Jones SPWLA, 1967
25. Computer Caliper, Fingerprints of the hole, From Austin Chalk to Ellenburger H.W. Kading SPWLA, 1977
26. Operators Charge Ahead in Overthrus Drilling W. Keener PEI, 1981
27. Electrical Resistivity of Modern Reef Sediments From Midway Atoll G.V. Keller SPWLA, 1969
28. Interpreting Silurian Niagaran Reefs in the Michigan Basin J.S. Labo SPWLA, 1977
29. Atokan Clastics - Depositional Environments In G. Lovelick, C.G. Massini, D.A. Kotila OGJ, 1982
30. Preplatform Exploration of High Island Blocks A-560 and A-561 J.W. Lund, J.S. King, R. Berlitz, J.A. Gilreath OGJ, 1979
31. Toward a Rational Strategy for Oil Exploration Scientific American, 1981 Smackover Carbonate Petroleum Geology in Southwest Alabama E. Mancini, D. Benson OGJ, 1981
32. A Look at Lower Tuscaloosa Petroleum potential in S.W. Alabama E. Mancini, J.W. Payne OGJ, 1982
33. Comparison of Log and Core Results for an Extremely Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir L.C. Marchent, E.J. White SPWLA, 1968
34. U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin, 1976 - 1981 R. Mattick OGJ, 1981
35. New Report Presents Lithologic Analysis of San Andres Formation M. C. McCaslin OGJ, 1982
36. What to Expect When Logging the Cotton Valley Trend P. Nangle, W. Fertl, E. Frost World Oil, 1982
37. Logging in the Ellenburger - 1970 R.H. Neustaedter, A.W. Schmidt API, 1970
38. Log Evaluation of Deep Ellenburger gas zones R.H. Neustaedter SPE AIME, 1968
39. Log Evaluation Techniques in Unita Basin Found Faulty J. Osoba, R. Gist, H. Carroll World Oil, 1981
40. The Determination of Porosity in Sandstones and Shaly Sandstones Part One - Quality Control J.G. Patchett, E.H. Coalson CWLS, 1979
41. Appalachian Gas Bearing Devonian Shales: Statements and Discussions P.R. Potter, J.B. Maynard, W. Pryor OGJ, 1982
42. Hydrocarbon Well Logging in the Williston Basin Cross Sections of Case Histories H. Rowe, J. McAdams, R. Mercer Continental Laborities, 1978
43. Gulf Coast Stratigraphic Traps in the Lower Cretaceous Carbonates R. Sams OGJ, 1982
44. Operators Seek 200 BCF Gas Fields in Southern Mississippi D. Scherer World Oil, 1981
45. Computerized Log Analysis for Efficiently Evaluating Gas Wells and Gas Storage Reservoirs A.W. Schmidt, D.H. Tinch, B. Carpenter, W.R. Hoyle SPWLA, 1967
46. Logging Offshore Wells in the United States R.B. Snow, W.H. Throop, J.A. Williams SPWLA, 1968
47. Petrophysical Evaluation of the Diatomite Formation of the Lost Hills Field, California I.J. Stosur, A. David JPT, 1976
48. Logging and Evaluation High Angle Well Bores on a Large Scale Drilling and Development Program, Long Beach, California SPWLA, 1968
49. Lithology Crossplots: Applications in an Evaporite Basin - The Maverick Basin of Southwest Texas SPWLA, 1977
50. Log Evaluation of a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir Cato San Andres Field M.L. Traugott SPWLA, 1970
51. Log Analysis in the Shallow Oil Sands of the San Joaquin Valley, California J.B. Vohs SPWLA, 1976
52. Wattenberg Field, Paleostructure-Stratigraphic Trap, Denver Basin, Colorado R.J. Weimer, S.A. Sonnenberg OGJ, 1982
53. Nature of Porosity in Tuscarora Sandstone (Lower Silurian) in the Appalachian Basin W.A. Wescott OGJ, 1982
54. Computer Log Analysis Puls Core Analysis Equals Improved Formation Evaluation in West Howard-Glassock Unit D.A. Wilson, W.M. Hensel SPE, 1978
55. Drilling and Completion Practices in Active U.S. Areas World Oil, 1982 |
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