Petrophysical Training
During the course of a
petrophysicist's career, it is tempting to acquire all the reference material
you can lay your hands on. This is a pretty good plan, but for newcomers to our
profession, this can be both expensive and difficult. Some texts cost more than
$400; others are dated, narrow, shallow, or one-sided.
To assist you in
creating a worthwhile library, I have prepared a list which includes
most textbooks and service company manuals of interest to log
analysts. The list includes full title, first author, publisher,
date, approximate cost, ISBN number, page count, and a very brief (and very personal) comment. From this, you
should be able to high-grade your library acquisitions.
Most of the
hardcover textbooks and service company material listed here are
still available, some in updated editions with different ISBN
numbers. Check with your local technical book store, online source, or service
company representative. If these sources fail, try or .
There are, of
course, many other sources of log analysis knowledge. These include
service company brochures on specific tools and software products.
Sometimes older versions are very useful while analyzing older logs.
Journals and transactions of technical societies, such as CWLS, CSPG,
CSEG, CIM, SPWLA, AAPG, SEG, SPE and others, contain thousands of
technical papers related to our industry. Electronic copues are
often available fro the various Societies or from
The lowest cost textbook quality reference manuals are available in
PDF format from this website. These are listed below - use the menu
on the left to order. Following that list are Hardcover Textbooks
that I have used, followed by a short list of the most useful
Service Company manuals. Some of this type of material is also
available on the Service Company websites, but older material may
not be present.
B. Crain's
Integrated Petrophysics Full Length Video Courses,with Reference Manuals
AV-01 Crain's Practical Quantitative
Log Analysis for Conventional Reservoirs
Shale, Porosity, Lithology, Saturation, Permeability, Net
Pay, Productivity
AV-02 Crain's Practical Log Analysis for Geoscientists
and Engineers
Image Logs, Dipmeters, Structural / Stratigraphic Dip,
Seismic Petrophysics, Ancient Logs,
Mechanical Rock Properties, Closure
Stress, Cement and Pipe Integrity
AV-03 Crain's Practical Quantitative
Log Analysis for Unconventional Reservoirs
TOC, Shale Gas/Oil, Tight Gas/Oil, Coal/CBM, Laminated Sands,
Much More
Order Full Length Courses (PPT format)

C. Crain's
Integrated Petrophysics Video Short Courses
with Reference Manuals
RF-03S Crain's Analyzing Ancient
Russian Logs
RF-04S Crain's Logging Tool Theory
RF-05S Crain's Analyzing Mechanical
RF-06S Crain's Analyzing Cement
and Pipe Integrity
RF-07S Crain's Seismic Petrophysics
RF-08S Crain's Analyzing Dipmeter
Image Logs
RF-09S Crain's Analyzing Fractured
Order Short Courses (PPT format)

D. Crain's Integrated Petrophysics Reference Manuals
RF-01. Crain's Petrophysical
RF-02. Crain's Unconventional
Reservoirs 136 pages

RF-03. Crain's Analyzing Ancient
RF-04. Crain's Logging Tool
RF-05. Crain's Mechanical
RF-06. Crain's Cement Integrity
RF-07. Crain's Seismic
RF-08. Crain's Dipmeter Omnibus
RF-09. Crain's Fractured
Crain's Data Acquisition
Order Reference Manuals (PDF format)

Note: ISBN numbers shown are for the volume in my library. Newer editions
are often available with different ISBN numbers.
Behaviour of the Earth
Allegre, C., Harvard Press, Cambridge, 1988, ISBN 0-374-06458-5
Excellent, well illustrated
Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
J.W. Amyx, D.M. Bass, Jr. and R.L.
McGraw Hill, Toronto, 1960.
An industry standard
Log Evaluation of Shaly Sandstones: A
Practical Guide
Asquith, G. B., AAPG, Tulsa, 1989, ISBN 0-89181-179-6
Good shaly sand primer, 59 pages
Basic Well Log Analysis For Geologists
Asquith, G. B., AAPG, Tulsa, 1982, ISBN 0-98181-652-6
More detailed analysis methods than above, 216 pages
Log Analysis by Microcomputer
Asquith, G. B., The Petroleum Publishing Company, Tulsa, 1980, ISBN
Good basic book, 105 pages
Theory, Measurement and Interpretation of Well Logs
Bassiouni, Z., SPE, Richardson, 1994, ISBN 1-55563-056-1
Clear and concise
Log Quality Control
Bateman, R. M., IHRDC, Boston, 1985, ISBN 0-934634-89-0
Very good, slightly dated, 398 pages
Cased-hole Log Analysis and Reservoir Monitoring
Bateman, R. M., IHRDC, Boston, 1985, ISBN 0-934634-92-0
Good coverage, slightly dated, 311 pages
Fundamentals of Diplog Analysis
Bigelow, E. L., Atlas Wireline Services, Houston, 1987, ISBN
Very good on dipmeter basics, slightly dated, 216 pages
Introduction to Wireline Log Analysis
Bigelow, E., Baker Hughes, 1992, ISBN na
Well written overview
Cores and Core Logging for Geologists
Blackbourn, G. A., Whittles Publishing, Caithness, 1990, ISBN
Excellent wellsite procedures manual, 112 pages
Determination Of Residual Oil Saturation
Bond, D. C. (Editor), Interstate Oil Compact Commission, Tulsa,
1978, ISBN 77-78927
No mention of moved oil from open hole log analysis - I wonder why?,
302 pages
Acoustics of Porous Media
Bourbie, T., Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 1987, ISBN
Very deep, very scary if you like the sonic log, 331 pages
Seismic Surveying and Well Logging
Boyer, S., Editions Technip, 1997, ISBN 2-7108-0712-2
Excellent coverage
Applied Open-hole Log Analysis
Brock, J., Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 1986, ISBN
Good coverage, one of the standard texts, 284 pages
Exploration Methods for Sandstone Reservoirs
Busch, D. A., OGCI Publications, Tulsa, 1985, ISBN 0-930972-07-4
Great book for curve shapes, correlation, and depositional
environments, 270 pages
Fortran and Computer Mathematics for the
Engineer and cientist
R.E.Carlile, B.E.Gillett, McGraw Hill
Lots of good algorithms, easily cinverted to modern
Handbook of Physical Constants
Clark, S. P. (Editor), The Geological Society of America, New York,
1966, ISBN 66-19814
Essential - find one at any cost, 587 pages
The Log Analysis Handbook
Volume One - Quantitative Methods E. R. Crain. , Pennwell Books,
Tulsa, 1986, ISBN 0-87814-298-3
Computer ready math, wide coverage of quantitative
analysis methods
by E. R. Crain
for current version
The Log Analysis Handbook Volume Two - Geological and
Geophysical Methods
E. R. Crain Self Published. 1998 Computer ready math, wide coverage of
geological and geophysical methods
by E. R. Crain
for current version
CWLS Log Analysis Handbook
Crain, E. R., Orman, D., (Editors) CWLS, Calgary, 1987, ISBN na
100% Canadian content - you need this, 100 pages
Canadian Case Histories CWLS Reprint Volumes - Vols 1 - 3
Crain, E.R. (Editor), CWLS, Calgary, 1991 , ISBN na
The best bargain in town - 3 volume set for $120 + CWLS Bibliography
on disc, 1500 pages
Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
B.C. Craft and M.F. Hawkins
Prentice Hall, Eaglewoor Cliffs, NJ,
An industry standard
Applied Hydrodynamics in Petroleum Exploration
Dahlberg, E. C., Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-387-90677-0
Log analysts need to know this stuff, 161 pages
Essentials of Modern Open-hole Log Interpretation
Dewan, J. T., PennWell Publ, Tulsa, 1983, ISBN 0-87814-233-9
A modern best seller and classical treatment, 361 pages
Rock Forming Minerals
W.A. Deer, R.A. Howie and J. Zussman
John Wiley and Sons, 1962.
Useful background for a petrophysicist
Log Analysis of Subsurface Geology
Doveton, J. H., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986, ISBN
A regional, computerized approach, 273 pages
Geologic Log Analysis of Welll Logs Using Computer Methods
Doveton, J., AAPG, Tulsa, 1994, ISBN 0-89181-701-8
Now out of Date
Rocky Mountain
Formation Water Resistivities
DWLS, Petroleum Information Corporation, Denver, 1985, ISBN na
You might need this, 100 pages
Well Logging for Earth Scientists
Ellis, D. V., Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc., New York, 1987,
ISBN 0-444-01180-3
Lots of tool theory, 532 pages
Finding Oil and Gas from Well Logs
Etnrye, L .M., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1989, ISBN
Good basics, not much "Finding", 305 pages
Formation Evaluation
EXLOG Staff, IHRDC, Boston, 1985, ISBN 0-88746-054-2
Good geology primer, 183 pages
Theory and Evaluation of Formation Pressures
EXLOG Staff, IHRDC, Boston, 1985, ISBN 0-88746-052-6
Thorough coverage, 231 pages
Mud Logging
EXLOG Staff, IHRDC, Boston, 1985, ISBN 0-88746-044-5
Thorough coverage, 92 pages
Theory and Application of Drilling Fluids Hydraulics
EXLOG Staff, IHRDC, Boston, 1985, ISBN 0-88746-045-3
Log analysts should read this once, 198 pages
Coring Operations
EXLOG Staff, IHRDC, Boston, 1985, ISBN 0-88746-053-4
Thorough coverage, 174 pages
Abnormal Formation Pressures
Fertl, W. H., Elsevier Science Publishing Company Inc., New York,
1976, ISBN 0-444-41328-6
Excellent coverage, 382 pages
Prospecting With Old E-Logs
Frank, R. W., Schlumberger Educational Services, Houston, 1986, ISBN
Gulf Coast orientation, well presented, 161 pages
Production Handbook, Vol. 1, 2
T.C. Frick, Editor
McGraw Hill, New UYork, NY, 1962
An industry standard
Petroleum Engineering, Drilling and Completions
Gatlin, C., Prentice Hall, 1960, ISBN na
Dated material
Log Interpretation Reference Data Handbook
Gearhart-Owen Industries, Gearhart-Own Industries Inc., Fort Worth,
1972, ISBN na
Really good data, but impossible to find, 150 pages
Lexicon of Canadian Stratigraphy
Glass, D. J., McAra Printing Limited, Calgary, 1990, ISBN
Good lithology descriptions, need a separate volume for each area in
Canada, 772 pages
Wireline Operations
Gore, N., The University of Texas, Austin, 1984, ISBN 0-88698-043-7
Wireline workovers, not wireline logging, good stuff to know, 80
Geophysical Logging for Mineral and Engineering Applications
Hallenburg, J. K., PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa, 1984, ISBN
Not very deep, some good examples, 234 pages
HP41C Formation Evaluation Programs
Hallenburg, J. K., PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa, 1984, ISBN
Companion to above, 105 pages
Russian Style Formation Evaluation
Harrison, B. (Editor), Geol Soc (UK), 1994, ISBN 1-897799-20-9
Tremendous book, necessary if you work with Russian style logs, 700
Fundamentals of Formation Evaluation
Helander, D. P. OGCI Publications, Tulsa, 1983, ISBN 0-930972-02-3
Broad coverage, well beyond logging
History of the Well Logging and Wireline Business
Hilchie, D. W., Douglas W. Hilchie Inc., Boulder, 1990, ISBN na
Interesting and personal survey
The Geologic Well Log Interpreter
Hilchie, D. W., Douglas W. Hilchie Inc., Golden, 1987, ISBN na
Clear schematic and real examples, 150 pages
Advanced Well Log Interpretation
Hilchie, D. W., Douglas W. Hilchie Inc., Golden, 1982, ISBN na
An industry standard, slightly dated, 300 pages
Applied Open-hole Log Interpretation
Hilchie, D. W., Douglas W. Hilchie Inc., Golden, 1982, ISBN na
The basics covered well - some Canadian content, 300 pages
Applied Open-hole Log Interpretation - Solutions
Hilchie, D. W., Douglas W. Hilchie Inc., Golden, 1982, ISBN na
Answers for above exercises, 50 pages
Old Electrical Log Interpretation
Hilchie, D. W. Douglas W. Hilchie Inc., Golden, 1979, ISBN na
The best of the three books that cover this subject, 164 pages
Production Logging - Theoretical and Interpretive Elements
Hill, A. D., SPE, Richardson, 1990, ISBN 1-55563-030-8
Thorough coverage, 154 pages
TI-59 Reservoir Engineering Manual
Hollo, R., PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa, 1980, ISBN
Some useful algorithms, 220 pages
Geological Applications of Wireline Logs II
Hurst, A. (Editor), Geol Soc (UK), 1992, ISBN 0-903317-80-X
A collection of recent papers, European viewpoint, 404 pages
Geological Applications of Wireline Logs
Hurst, A. (Editor), Geol Soc (UK), 1990, ISBN 0-903317-45-1
A collection of recent papers, European viewpoint, 357 pages
Well Logging for the Nontechnical Person
Johnson, D. E., PennWell Publishing Company, Oklahoma, 1988, ISBN
Well, not really non-technical, but their hearts were in the right
place, 198 pages
Formation Waters of Western Canada
Johnson, R., Opus Engineering, Calgary, 1992, ISBN na
Complete chemical analysis of each sample, more complete than CWLS
catalog, 500 pages
Well Logging 2 - Electric and Acoustic Logging
Jorden, J. R., SPE, Richardson, 1986, ISBN 1-55563-002-2
Very concise, consistent review - Volume III on radioactivity is
overdue by 2-3 years, 182 pages
Well Logging 1 - Rock Properties, Borehole Environment, Mud and
Temperature Logging
Jorden, J. R. SPE, Richardson, 1984, ISBN 0-89520-323-5
Very concise, consistent review, 167 pages
Induction Logging
Kaufman, A. A. Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc., New York, 1989,
ISBN 0-444-42949-2
You need to be weird to own this book, 600 pages
Thermodynamics for Geologists
Kern, R., Freeman, Cooper and Company, San Francisco, 1967, ISBN
Explains diagenisis - sort of, 304 pages
A Practical Introduction to Borehole Geophysics
Labo, J., SEG, Tulsa, 1986, ISBN 0-931830-47-8
Well done, but not well known, very good on seismic applications,
330 pages
Reservoir Characterization
Lake, L. (Editor), Academic Press, New York, 1989, ISBN
A collection of provocative papers, 722 pages
Formation Evaluation
Lynch, E. J., Harper & Row, New York, 1962, ISBN 62-13249
Broad coverage, 414 pages
Fundamentals of Electric Logging
Martin, R. I., The Petroleum Publishing Company, Tulsa, 1955, ISBN
Reprints of old papers - interesting but not essential, 68 pages
Elmworth - Case Study of a Deep Basin Gas Field
Masters, J, AAPG, Tulsa, 1984, ISBN 0-89181-315-2
The ultimate case history - 100% Canadian content, 316 pages
Pressure Buildup and Flow Test in Wells
Matthews, C. S., SPE, 1967, ISBN 0-89520-200-X
Covers the basics well
Radioactive Investigation of Oil and
Gas Well.
Translated by J.C.M. Muhlhause
MacMillan Company,
Helps to understand Russian logs
The Rock Physics Handbook
Mavko, G., Cambridge Press, 1998, USBN 0-521-62068-6
Excellent presentation of useful algorithms
HP-41 Reservoir Engineering Manual
Meehan, D. N., PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa, 1982, ISBN
Some useful math, 364 pages
Well Log Formation Evaluation
Merkel, R. H., AAPG, Tulsa, 1986, ISBN 89181-163-X
Course notes, pretty basic, 82 pages
Petroleum Exploration Handbook
G.B. Moody, Editor
McGraw Hill, New York, NY, 1961
An industry standard
Productive Low Resistivity Well Logs, Offshore Gulf of Mexico
Moore, D. C., Houston Geol Soc, 1993, ISBN na
Course notes with case histories
Encyclopedia of Physics
S.P. Parker
McGraw Hill, New York, NY, 1982.
Background reference, might make some logs easier to understand 1965.Fundamentals of Reservoir Simulation
Peaceman, D., Elsevier, New York, 1989, ISBN 0-444-41578-5
Fairly deep, but helps to understand the final use of petrophysical
Geologic Well Log Analysis Bar Code Supplement
Pirson, S. J., Gulf Publishing Company, 1983 , ISBN 0-87201-903-9
Companion to below, 28 pages
Geologic Well Log Analysis - Third Edition
Pirson, S. J., Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 1983, ISBN
An industry standard, very good geology, less reservoir
applications, 475 pages
Geologic Well Log Analysis
Pirson, S. J., Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 1970, ISBN
Older version - not much different than above, 475 pages
Handbook of Well Log Analysis
Pirson, S. J., Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 1963, ISBN
State of the art in 1962, still useful for older logs, 326 pages
Oil Reservoir Engineering
Pirson, S. J., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1958, ISBN
A classic out of print - find one if you can, 735 pages
Glossary of Terms and Expressions Used in Well Logging Second
Ransom, R. C., SPWLA, Houston, 1984, ISBN na
Some entries are misleading, 116 pages
Exploration for Carbonate Petroleum Reservoirs
Reeckmann, A., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-471-08603-7
Useful, hard to find, 213 pages
The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs
Rider, M. H., Halsted Press, New York, 1986, ISBN 0-470-20281-5
Newer than Pirson, heavy on tool theory, 175 pages
The Art of Ancient Log Analysis
Ross, D. (Editor), Society of Professional Well Log Analysts,
Houston, 1979, ISBN na
Mostly reprints plus course notes, 300 pages
Handbook on Well Logging
Sengel, E. W., The Institute for Energy Development, Oklahoma, 1981,
ISBN 0-89419-112-8
Brief, somewhat dated, 168 pages
Fundamentals of Well Log Interpretation - Interpretation
Serra, O., Elsevier Publ, New York, 1986, ISBN 0-444-42620-5
These two volumes are the best, especially the illustrations, but
not cheap, 679 pages
Fundamentals of Well Log Interpretation - Acquisition
Serra, O., Elsevier Publ, New York, 1984, ISBN 0-444-42132-7
See above, 422 pages
Reservoir Engineering Techniques Using Fortran
Sinha, M., IHRDC, Boston, 1985, ISBN 0-934634-50-5
Some good algorithms, ready to code, 224 pages
Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences
Smith, D. G.., Crown Publishers, Cambridge, 1981, ISBN 0-517-54370-2
Useful reference, not much on petrophysics
Production Logging
SPE, Richardson, 1985, ISBN 0-89529-328-6
Very concise, consistent review, 375 pages
Formation Water Resistivities of Canada
Struyk, C. (Editor), CWLS, Calgary, 1987, ISBN na
You need this, 77 pages
Formation Water Resistivities of Canada on Disc
Crain, E. R., CWLS, Calgary, 1992, ISBN na
Companion to above, 1 disc
Oil and Gas Production - Openhole Logging
The University of Texas, Petroleum Extension Service, Austin, 1981,
ISBN 3.30410
Course notes, dated, 85 pages
Log Data Acquisition and Quality Control
Theys, P. P., Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 1991, ISBN
Good stuff, slightly different viewpoint, 330 pages
Practical Reservoir Engineering - Volume 2
Timmerman, E. H., PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa, 1982, ISBN
Really good overview, modern approach, 367 pages
Practical Reservoir Engineering - Volume 1
Timmerman, E. H., PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa, 1982, ISBN
Really good overview, modern approach, 363 pages
Geophysical Well Logging
Tittman, J., Academic Press Inc., Florida, 1986, ISBN 0-12-691390-0
An industry classic at a good price, 175 pages
Petroleum Production Handbook, Vol. 1,
2, 3
L.C. Uren
McGraw Hill, New York, NY, 1959
Background you should be familiar wuth
Wireline Logging Tool Catalog
Verdier, M., Editions Technip, Paris, 1984, ISBN 2-7108-0452-2
Good, but gets out of date quickly, 169 pages
Exploration Stratigraphy
Visher, G. S., PennWell Publish Company, Tulsa, 1990, ISBN
Really good illustrations, 433 pages
North Sea Formation Waters
Warren, E. A. (Editor), Geol Soc (UK), 1994, ISBN 1-897799-07-1
Very pretty and pretty expensive, 200 pages
Basic Concepts of Well Log Interpretation
Welex Haliburton Company, Houston, 1950?, ISBN na
An oldie but goodie - one of the best explanations of Archie's Laws,
42 pages
SEM Petrology Atlas
Welton, J. E., AAPG, Tulsa, 1984, ISBN 0-89181-653-4
Not as useful as I had hoped, 237 pages
Encyclopedia of Mathematics
B.H.West, E.N.Greisbach, J.D.Taylor,
Prentice-Hall, 1982
Refresh your memory, plus lots more
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
R.C. West
58th Edition CRC Press.
More than most of us need to know
Mud Logging Handbook
Whittaker, A., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1991, ISBN
Good practical book, 531 pages
The Fundamentals of Well Log Interpretation
Wyllie, M.R.J., Academic Press, New York, 1963, ISBN 0-12-767253-2
State of the art in 1962, useful insights into sonic logging, 238
The Schlumberger Adventure
Gruber-Schlumberger, A.. Arco Publishing, New York, 1982, ISBN
Very personal story of the early days of logging
Schlumberger: History of a Technique
Allaud, L., Martin, M., Wiley, New York, 1977, ISBN 0-471-31667-5
Very good technical history
Science On The Run
Bowker, G., MIT Press, Cambridge, 1994, ISBN 0-262-02367-9
Terrible writing, many factual errors, confusing – don’t waste your
Art of Corporate Success
Auletta, A., Putnam, New York, 1984, ISBN 0-399-12930-8
Mostly business, how Schlumberger succeeded
Fifty Years of Dresser Atlas
Dresser Atlas, 1982, ISBN na
Excellent history, contrast with Schlumberger histories
Schlumberger World Energy Atlas
P. Bush, Petroleum Economist, London, 2003 ISBN 1-86186-193-1
Useful, but many errors on maps, North America coverage is poor
These are just a few of the many hundreds of manuals offered to
Service Company clients.
Interpretive Methods for Production Well Logs
Atlas Wireline, Atlas Wireline, 1990, AT90-163
Very necessary, 188 pages
Neutron Lifetime Log
Atlas Wireline, Atlas Wireline, 1983, AT 3319
You need this, even if its old, 100 pages
Well Logging and Interpretation Techniques - The Course for Home
Dresser Atlas, Atlas Wireline, 1985, DA 9333
A real bargain, get a current version, 100 pages
Carbon/Oxygen Log
Dresser Atlas, Dresser Industries Inc., Houston, 1981, DA 9417
This topic is not covered well in the standard books, 250 pages
Dresser Atlas, Dresser Atlas, 1980, DA 3334
Many examples, slightly dated, 250 pages
Practical Log Analysis
Dresser Atlas, Petroleum Publishing Company, Tulsa, 1979, DA 9394
A collection of basic papers, 50 pages
Cased Hole Log Interpretation Principles/Applications
Schlumberger, Schlumberger, Houston, 1989, SMP-7025
Very tool oriented, you may need older versions for old logs, 200
Log Interpretation Volume 1 - Principles
Schlumberger, 1972
Log Interpretation Volume II -
Schlumberger, 1974
Log Interpretation Principles/Applications
Schlumberger, Houston, 1987, SMP-7017
Very tool oriented, you may need older versions for old logs, 198
pages, as above
Sedimentary Environments from Wireline Logs
Schlumberger, Schlumberger, Houston, 1985, M-081030/SMP-7008
Condensed version of book by Oberto Serra, 210 pages
The best in our busimess
Well Seismic Techniques
Schlumberger, Schlumberger, Houston, 1985, SMP-9040
No other reference covers these topics, 24 pages
Cased Hole Applications
Schlumberger, Schlumberger, Houston, 1975, C-11976
Older version - you need it for older tools, 123 pages
Fluid Conversion in Production Log Interpretation
Schlumberger, Schlumberger, Houston, 1974, C-11952
Absolutely essential - topics not covered elsewhere, 57 pages
The Essentials of Log Interpretation Practice
Schlumberger, Schlumberger, Houston, 1973, ISBN na
A concise review of techniques as done in the 70's, 30 pages
Fundamentals of Dipmeter Interpretation
Schlumberger, Schlumberger, Houston, 1970, C-11797
Superceded by Sedimentary Environments, but you need this version
too, 147 pages