We seldom do petrophysical analysis for its own sake – usually the results are used as input to some other activity, like a well completion plan, an economic analysis, or a reservoir description for a full field simulation study. Many users of petrophysical results do not appreciate all the data that may be helpful in running and calibrating a petrophysical analysis. More importantly, they often do not know what other disciplines may get from a competent petrophysical analysis, in addition to what was initially requested. Petrophysicists may not be aware of what those other disciplines can do with their output.

This page is designed to give users and doers a brief overview of what can be derived using log analysis results and what other data might be available to help get the job done.

The table below might not mean too much to someone who is not in the oil, gas, or mineral development  business, but it will give everyone an idea of the scope of work, wealth of data types, and the multiplicity of uses to which petrophysical data can be applied. Although oil and gas dominate the list, uses in aid of sedimentary minerals, potable and near-potable water, helium and other inert gases, blue and green hydrogen, CO2 storage, geothermal energy, and lithium extraction from brine have been in use in many areas of the world.



DATA USES -  General Outline
    Petrophysical Analysis
    Geophysical Applications
    Geological Applications
    Drilling Applications
    Engineering Applications
    Completion Applications
    Production Applications

DATA USES - Petrophysical Analysis
    Shale Content
    Water Saturation
    Movable Hydrocarbon
    Irreducible Water Saturation
    Water Cut / Relative Permeability
    Permeability / Productivity
    Fracture Intensity / Orientation
    Fluid Contacts - Original and Dated
    Productive Intervals
    Swept Zones
    Pore Volume / Hydrocarbon Pore Volume
    Flow Capacity
    "Net Pay"

    Where Are The Reserves?
    How Much Does This Well Contribute?

DATA USES - Geophysical Applications
    Velocity and Density
    Seismic Modelling
    Synthetic Seismograms
    Editing Logs for Seismic
       Bad Hole Condition
       Missing Log Data
    Modeling Hypothetical Rock Sequences
    Modeling Hypothetical Fluid Content
    Vertical Seismic Profiles
    Seismic While Drilling
    Calibrating Seismic Inversion
    Calibrating Seismic Attributes
    Amplitude versus Offset Models

    Is the Seismic Interpretation Realistic?

DATA USES - Geological Applications
    Reservoir Description
    Structure and Stratigraphy
    Dip and Direction
    Sedimentary Models
    Sequence Stratigraphy
    Bedding Type / Orientation
    Depositional Environment

    Tectonic Structures
    Sedimentary Structures
    Multi-well Analysis
    Cross Sections / Fence Diagrams
    3-D Visualization
    Correlation and Mapping

    What Are the Geologic Risks?

DATA USES - Drilling Applications
    Designing Vertical Wells
    Designing Deviated Wells
    Designing Horizontal Wells
    Drilling Prognosis
    Stress Regimes / Fractures
    Borehole Stability
    Bit Selection
    Cost Estimates

    Where Are The Drilling Risks?

DATA USES - Engineering Applications
    Calculating Reserves
    Calculating Productivity
    Calculating Cash Flow
    Reservoir Simulation / Modeling
    History Matching
    Production Prediction
    Production Optimization
    Economic Analysis

    Is The Well/Pool/Project Any Good? 

DATA USES - Completion Applications
    Perforating Interval
    Stress Regime / Orientation
    Hydraulic Fracture Design
    Acidizing / Other Treatments
    Sand Control
    Maximize Productivity
    Are There More Targets?

    Is production maximized?

DATA USES - Production Applications
    Through Casing Reservoir Description
    Fluid Identification
    Cement Evaluation
    Casing Inspection
    Flow and Production Analysis
    Gas Leak Detection

    How Do We Repair The Well?

DATA TYPES ­ General Outline
    Air / Satellite Images

    Well History
       Tops, Tests, Cores, Perfs, Logs, Status
    Logs - Many Variations
    Cores - Many Types of Analyses
    Data Gathering Considerations
    Data Digitizing
    Project Planning
    Quality Control

    Fluid Properties
    Pressure Transient
    Wellhead / Bottomhole Pressures
    Production History
    Injection History
    Completion Diagram
    Facilities In Place / Needed
    Economics / Costs / Prices

DATA TYPES ­ While Drilling
    Sample Descriptions
    Drilling Records
    Mud Logs
    Core Descriptions
    Measurements While Drilling
    Logging While Drilling
    Seismic While Drilling

DATA TYPES ­ After Drilling
    Conventional Open Hole Logs
    Image Logs
    Thin Bed Tools and Processing
    Petrophysical Analysis Results
    Geological Correlations / Maps
    Seismic Analysis / VSP
    Test Results
    Core Analysis Results

DATA TYPES - Open Hole Logs
    Resistivity and Resistivity Imaging
    Acoustic and Full Wave Acoustic
    Natural and Spectral Gamma Ray
    Formation Density and Litho Density
    Neutron Porosity
    Dipmeter and Deviation Surveys
    Formation Imager and Televiewer
    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
    Induced Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
    Pulsed Neutron and Activation
    Pressure Profiles / Sample Taker
    Sidewall Cores

DATA TYPES ­ After Completion
    Cased Hole Logging
    Reservoir Description Logs
    Production Logs
    Casing / Cement Evaluation Logs
    Bottom Hole Pressure Survey
    Well Test Results
    Initial Production / AOF / IPR

DATA TYPES ­ Special Cases
    Horizontal / Deviated Wells
    Logging Through Drill Pipe
    Coiled Tubing Logging

DATA TYPES ­ Core Data
    Conventional Core Analysis
       Permeability, Porosity, Saturation
       Grain Density Lithology Description
    Special Core Analysis
       Electrical Properties
       Capillary Pressure
       Relative Permeability
       Thin Section Petrography
       Scanning Electron Micrographs
       X-Ray Diffraction
       Infra-red Mineralogy
    Core Imaging
       White Light
       Ultra Violet Light
       CT Scans

DATA TYPES ­ Fluid Properties
    Density, Viscosity
    Water Resistivity, Chemical Analysis
    Oil / Gas Analyses

DATA TYPES ­ Pressure Transient
    Pressure versus Time
    Buildup or Drawdown
    Horner / Ramey Plots
    PBU Modeling / Curve Fitting
    Static Wellhead Pressure
    Static Bottom Hole Pressure

DATA TYPES ­ Production Data
    Oil / Gas / Water Rates
    Changes With Time
    Completion History
    Well / Pool / Reservoir Summaries
    Deliverability Analysis Results



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